Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Over the last week, I have been exploring the world of DIGG.com.  If you are into random, interesting, edgy information,  you have to check out this site!  If you, the user, likes an article/video/blog post, you can click on a "Digg" button.  The most popular posts have a tallied Digg # next to it to let the user know how many people enjoyed it.  And when I say the site provides the most random articles/videos/blogs, I really mean it!  Apparently there is a 101-year-old woman in China who has a 6cm horn on her forehead.  Strange.  Amazing.

The criteria highlighting the best parts of Digg are it's ACCESSABILITY and PRIVACY-- Anyone can explore the site, but if you want to put up your own posts or "digg" a post, you will have to become a member.  Also, the site provides category tabs to organize the posts by content and article/video/image.  PRIVACY is provided if you become a member.  All the information needed is the creation of a username/password and e-mail address.  Whenever you "digg" or comment on a post, the only information shown is your username.

All the posts on this site are shared by other Digg members, so if I happen to come across a video I want to share from YouTube, I can post it to Digg.  Also, as a member I receive weekly updates via email.  In the email, there are links to the most Diggs catergorized in: Offbeat, Top Image, Entertainment, World & Business, Sports, Top Video, Gaming, Lifestyle, Technology, and Science.  What started off as a review has become part of my daily internet surf.

My rating of DIGG.com is: A

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